* This script will clean your phpGraphy MySQL database from erronous entries
* It check that every entry in your database is valid by verifying that the file
* its pointing does really exists
* If you've moved the script from its original location, you'll need to change
* the variable $include_pathbelow so the script is able to find 'config.inc.php'
* and 'db_mysql.inc.php'
die("This is a protection to avoid others people to run this script, to run it, you need to edit the file and remove the line with this text");
// Include path to change if you've moved the script from its original location
// You shouldn't need to edit anything below
if (is_file($include_path."config.inc.php")) include_once $include_path."config.inc.php"; else die("Could not find config.inc.php, please modify include_path in the header section ");
if (is_file($include_path."include/db_mysql.inc.php")) include_once $include_path."include/db_mysql.inc.php"; else die("Could not find db_mysql.inc.php, please modify the include_path in the header section");
// Modifying the value of root_dir
if (!preg_match("/^\/.+/", $config['pictures_dir'])) {
// Assuming root_dir is not absolute and such modifying its value to handle the relative path
$config['pictures_dir'] = $include_path . $config['pictures_dir'];
if(!$_GET['confirm']) {
This script will clean your phpGraphy MySQL database from erronous entries.
It will check for the existance of files in your root_dir which is actually set to: Be sure to have a valid BACKUP of your database before you continue.
To launch the process, click here.
echo "Checking that your \$config['pictures_dir']($config['pictures_dir']) does exists... [";
if (is_dir($config['pictures_dir'])) {
echo "OK]
} else {
echo "FAILED]";
echo "Checking table $sTableRatings...
$cmd="select * from $sTableRatings";
while($row=mysql_fetch_array($res)) {
if (!is_file($filename)) {
echo "Removing entry '$filename' [";
$cmd="DELETE FROM $sTableRatings WHERE pic_name = '".$row["pic_name"]."'";
if (@mysql_db_query($sDB,$cmd,$nConnection)) echo "OK"; else echo "FAILED";
echo "]
echo "Checking table $sTableComments...
$cmd="select * from $sTableComments";
while($row=mysql_fetch_array($res)) {
if (!is_file($filename)) {
echo "Removing entry '$filename' [";
$cmd="DELETE FROM $sTableComments WHERE pic_name = '".$row["pic_name"]."'";
if (@mysql_db_query($sDB,$cmd,$nConnection)) echo "OK"; else echo "FAILED";
echo "]
echo "Checking table $sTable...
$cmd="select * from $sTable";
while($row=mysql_fetch_array($res)) {
if (!is_file($filename)) {
echo "Removing entry '$filename' [";
$cmd="DELETE FROM $sTable WHERE name = '".$row["name"]."'";
if (@mysql_db_query($sDB,$cmd,$nConnection)) echo "OK"; else echo "FAILED";
echo "]
echo "Done.\n"; flush();